Thursday 3 January 2013

Catch up post 3

With the steering rack in place I was then able to look at the steering column (late Sierra adjustable column):

I plan to reuse the switch gear, wheel (for IVA at least) and cowling. Initially I'll leave the column adjustment disabled but I may later look to at least use the 'in-out' adjustment if it's useful.

On the basis of this I needed to ensure that the sliding section of the column is at it's 'shortest' position so that the steering wheel can be pulled towards the driver. To enable the top part of the column to move towards the driver requires modification of the column mounting plate to provide a slot for the adjuster to move through (note mounting plate is actually mounted on top not underneath as shown):

The steering column adjuster bracket needed to be reversed so that it could then mount to the plate above. Picture also shows the column after stripping, cleaning and painting - trial fitted with lower bearing and column link:

The column link needed cutting - I decided to cut diagionally so that the original orientation/alignment could be establish:

The column link then needed lengthening to reach to the steering rack. To do this a suitable ID pipe was used with two holes drilled and tapped for screws to lock the two link ends at the correct length and position (to give reasonable clearance over the chassis rail - approx. 15mm):

With the above sorted the steering column lower bearing mounting plate could attached to the pedal box by drilling and bolting through (the piece of wood and string is to hold up the pedals which were also trial fitted at the time):

The steering column link, all set up, was then sent off to a local welder to have a better quality, and seamless, steel tube used to attach the link ends (welded, cleaned and ready for painting):

Next decided to sort out a removable aluminium cover for the pedal box - drilled and rivnutted:

Cleaned, keyed and painted:

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